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Author Topic: Any PD near Busselton, Western Australia  (Read 7666 times)

Offline derekwarner_decoy

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Any PD near Busselton, Western Australia
« on: June 15, 2005, 05:49:45 PM »
PJ – I am penning this to the son of a previous work colleague in Perth WA in the hope he may be able to offer comment as I don’t believe we have any PD members in WA – is there any other detail of  a large 12' 6" live steam model paddle tug?  
Ken – this Derek Warner [ex sales manager @ Stauff ] – you will remember calling into Stauff @ Unanderra NSW with your brother [Troy] after a trip from the end some 14 or 15  years ago -  I just telephoned to get your dads e-mail address however Tresea mentioned he was overseas  
PJ – Ken senior & I have shared the odd few glasses of amber fluid in many states of Australia [but of course only for work functions]  
Ken - there is nothing sinister about Paddle ducks – just a world wide group of approx 150 people with a love of model ships & in particular paddle wheelers – Derek  
-----Original Message-----
 From: Paddleducks []
 Sent: Wednesday, 15 June 2005 1:01 AM
 Subject: Att: Any PD near Busselton, Western   Australia  
The following message was posted on Paddleducks, by PJ  
Hey guys!
 I'm calling any Paddleduck in Western Australia who lives within striking distance of the town of Busselton on Geographe Bay approximately 3 hours South of Perth.
 I am researching a large 12' 6" live steam model paddle tug which apparently ended up there.
 If you live in or close to that area please let me know.
 Victoria, BC Canada
 Exported by Paddleducks Mail System.
Derek Warner

Honorary Secretary [Retired]
Illawarra Live Steamers Co-op

Offline PJ

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Any PD near Busselton, Western Australia
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2005, 08:39:36 PM »
Hi Derek:

Great to hear from you and thank you for posting a reply.  Here is the gist of my search for this model.

I have been researching "Jumna", a paddle wheel steam tug boat which operated at the turn of the 20th Century in the small port of Littlehampton, Sussex, UK.  The Curator of the Littlehampton Museum recently sent me a photocopy of an article from a modeling magazine article dated August 1980.  Here are the first three paragraphs of the article which will clarify things.
    "Today, the little tug "Jumna" sits almost forlorn on the verandah of the Busselton             Museum, where people come and go and take away a photo of a once proud steamship.
    "Jumna" first saw light in the imagination of a young boy in England when his eyes observed the real "Jumna" assisting vessels in and out of the Port of Littlehampton on the South Coast.
    Canon, or as he was known as Rev. Robert Davies, came to Western Australia and started his training in the ministry of the Church at Bussleton."
The article describes him as one of "Australia's most prominent model engineers".  He apparently built a 12' 6" fully operating replica of "Jumna" which was powered by a live steam engine and was large enough that Rev. Davies and a passenger could ride in the model itself.  The author of the article was Keith Watson and it appeared in the August 1980 issue of "Live Steam" magazine which appears to be an American publication out of Michigan.
The author describes the construction of the model which apparently took place in the Busselton Rectory and it's quite detailed along with drawings and technical information about the live steam plant.  It seems he knew Rev. Davies and describes in some length a trip he took in the model.
    " To ride the "Jumna" was an experience I shall never forget, and goes back to the late 1950's when I had the good fortune to meet Canon and his wife Dulcie, who shared his love of steam."
It seems this model was very well known in the town of Busselton as must have been it's builder, and apparently even once transported the Prince of Wales during a Royal visit.

It would be fun to locate the model and re-establish it's connection with the Museum at Littlehampton half a world away. It's even possible the Rev. Davies is still alive today as "Jumna" operated at the Port Littlehampton up to around 1914.

Any help in tracking this down would be appreciated, Derek, and as always, very best regards.

Victoria, British columbia, Canada


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