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Fusilier Thread Locked, or Blocked? 2024.01.04


2024.01.04 - the Fusilier thread appears to be locked, or blocked?
2024.01.04 - will not open as an un-read post,
2024.01.04 - the 6 line listings of un-read posts on Fusilier are all locked or blocked and will not open
2024.01.03 - opened fine yesterday, I posted a note with attachments, re-read twice and made a few revisions - finally confirmed as all OK......  but a blank page today

All other PD WEB pages, folders, threads etc appear to open as normal


2024.01.06 - I see this morning, 3 new postings on the Fusliier thread. I still cannot open any

Are others experiencing the issue, or is it only me?


My Australian TELSTRA tells me there is a corrupted image on page 2 of the thread Birilinn

Not sure if you can open each message on page 2, and delete each attachment progressively from the earliest message until the thread opens without issue

Good luck...we can attempt to re-load massages from memory if that happens. The Thread was certainly progressing to a very interesting story and detail of your build


Eddy Matthews:
The Fusilier thread is working fine for me now, Rendrag went through it all on friday and sorted the probelm. If anyone still has an issue viewing it, please try clearing your browser cache so it's forced to reload the updated files rather than stuff that is in the cache.



Have deleted the Paddleducks application installation for my PC, cleared all cache, and reinstalled Paddleducks again, but still a blank page when I attempt to open your thread

Accordingly will not be able to offer any further comment, but will daily attempt to log back in to your thread



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