Forum > Live steam

New project: Steamdriven speedboat

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Hi Derek,

I will order a chinese Kacio, bore 14 mm, stroke 15 mm, nearly new from a private owner in Germany. The advantage - a little bit cheaper and no waiting period.
I was busy in the last week, there are some advantage about the boat.

I can`t post some new pictures - may be reason is in my laptop or different? I will see, whether it is possibel to post this text now.

The boat: Fore and aft whaledecks are finished, they can removed in seconds. I wanted to use an old Regner boiler with two flametubes and also return tubes, but i found them leaky. Perhaps it`s possible to repair the leaks with silver solder.
I expect a nearly new KACIO engine in the next days. The exact position of the engine will be the following position of the boiler. I will try again posting the new pictures.


may be, the resolution of the pictures is too hight. Oe more attempt...

The resolutiom of the pictures is too hight!

Looking good.


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