Forum > Model Shows
Friedrichshafen Faszination Modellbau 2022
Dear friends and neighbors,
again at the largest model show on the Continent.
This time I exhibited OCEAN, COLONEL LAMB, HOPE, RIGI and FULTON`S FOLLY. The models all in nearly same scale of 1 : 50 and 1 : 48. Very many visitors this time, the interest of modelling is still on a very high level.
FULTON`S FOLLY was working for several hours, lying on the trailer. Many people asking questions and made pictures.
Of course the participation at this big model show is a rather strenuous matter at 3 days from 9.00 in the morning to 6.00 in the evening. May be, I will participate next year at Atlantica Steam near Bordeaux, France. Raphael Havranek (many films on youtube) is the organizer and moderator of this model show only for steam driven boats.
"Faszination Modellbau 2023"
Again the model exhibition was fascinating, but in relation to former exhibitions in this town not very many new shipmodels are present. I saw two different build "Delta Queens" - one very neat buld, a very impressible aged tugboat and also an interesting gunboat. Also interesting some 11,6 inch locos
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