Forum > Model Shows
Impressions of Friedrichshafen model show
Dear friends,
from 1. november to the 3. one of the biggest model shows in Europe in Friedrichshafen, Lake Constance, took place. One could see all kinds of modelling. Unfortunately for us shipmodellers, in the night from thursday to the opening friday the big water basin got a big leak and it wasn`t possible to repair it in the three days. So we can`t show our models on water, but only as static exhibits. Yet I hope, some pictures are quite interesting and may be inspiring.
Thanks Thomas a wonderful collection of models.
:clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap
Thanks for the pictures Thomas. I was counting on pics from you :laugh:.
Too bad concerning the leak. When at similar events I always thought: What if …? That's a lot of water! Now it happened.
Did they notice the leak during filling or was it full already?
When we arrived at Wednesday afternoon, the basin was full and all seems ok. At friday morning large tubes laying all around to clear the basin. The water had flow into the cellar of the hall, fortunately the floor was nearly dry. The plastic foil has got a big crack during the night. In every case - it was a pity that it was impossible, to show the boats in their element.
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