As it seems to be the custom to introduce oneself here, I felt I should follow the trend.
I am retired, and a lifelong modeller, mostly R/C aircraft but my first influence was watching model power boats and large model yachts on Princes Park lake in Eastbourne, which was about 3 minutes walk from my grandparents home.
My model boating has included i.c. powered and sail powered models, but I have been content with electric powered scale (ish) models for the last 25-30 years. I am a member of the Oxford Model Boat Club, and attend the weekly Sunday morning and Thursday afternoon sessions at the club's water in Hinksey Park.
I always used to admire the looks of Graupner's Glasgow, but Graupner disappeared before I had the time and money to buy a kit. My interest in paddler steamers was revived by an afternoon's cruise on the Kingswear Castle out of Dartmouth.
Recently, while looking at the used model boats for sale on ebay and saw a Glasgow that wasn't too far from Oxford. I was the successful (and only!) bidder, so drove up to Kenilworth to collect it. The following day, I had my first experience of sailing an R/C paddle steamer (even it was electric powered!). There were a few minor niggles, such as the motor being too fast for the paddles, meaning I was unable to open the throttle more than about 20%. However, the model looked great on the water and I was definitely hooked.
I have now replaced the 2.5:1 geared motor with an 11:1 reduction geared motor and am ready to test it on the water at the next opportunity.
Looking forward to learning more about these fascinating models in the coming year.