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Author Topic: Paddle Steamer Videos/Movies  (Read 4327 times)


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Paddle Steamer Videos/Movies
« on: May 21, 2005, 03:15:39 PM »
Today I got hold of a copy of two movies on paddlesteamers that I've wanted for a long time and then when i wanted to post them realsied there was no specific place to say it...but this seemed like the best place as it's like the sites library. So for the moment while there is no forum post what Videos and movies you have here! (On paddlesteamers though)


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My movie Library
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2005, 03:30:39 PM »
The River kings
Source to Sea
Riverboats Remembered

(Ones I want to own and have seen or not seen)
All the Rivers Run
Grand Old Lady

I think thats all so far...unless the TV series The Adventures of Chuck Fin is was set on a broken down aussie steamer and it had ghosts on it. The steamer was actaulyl built up from a barge


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Paddle Steamer Videos/Movies
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2005, 10:12:12 PM »

Where did you get the copy of The River Kings? I have been looking for one of them for quite a while... Is it available commercially?

I think the Source to Sea video is one of the best productions around, I've watched mine so many times I think the tapes gonna wear out!  :shock: Would have loved to have taken part in the trip.

I also have a video 'A Grand Old Lady' which I bought in Echuca a few years ago. It details the trip made by the PS Adelaide up to Barmah Forest to collect logs with the D26 for their anniversaries. It's narrated by Bud Tingwell and is also another good production.



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Paddle Steamer Videos/Movies
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2005, 04:40:45 PM »
River kings isn't sold commercially but you can get basically the original cuts from the company that made them, but each episode is over $100, but I got my copy (the telemovie not the episodes) from my old primary school, I remembered watching it and I said to my Mum who is school council GET ME A COPY and she did, along with Riverbots Remembered. I also want to own Grand Old lady but haven't been on a trip to get it yet!


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