Forum > Introduce Yourself

newbie middlesbrough


thanks for the "join"
have tried a while ago to build a 3d printed "liepzig" using plans from Thingiverse   worked ok but boat is slightly top heavy
I wondered how to power/steer it and came up with the idea of using a controller from a Henglong rc tank
this gave me forward/reverse and differential steering.
 so now onto bigger and better I hope. I have acquired  a second hand graupner glasgow kit and hope to get some help and advice  from you the experts.

Walter Snowdon:
Welcome!. Not only a newby but  local! I live in Stockton! Get yourself to the Darlington and district model boat club and we can have a cuppa and a chinwag.  There are several of us with paddlers and if you look in the sites photo section you will see our late great paddler days featured.You will be made very welcome. Our well equipped clubhouse is open every Wednesday  (all day) and Sunday morning. Regards, Walter


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